Utility Rebates Available

Take advantage of available tax credit rebates and receive up to $2,000 on qualifying systems.

PECO Rebates

Central AC Rebates:

$150 for 15.2-15.9 SEER2, 12 EER2 or $200 for 16 Seer2 12 EER2


Heat Pumps Rebates:

$200 for 15.2-17 Seer2, 11.7+ EER2, 7.8 HSPF2 for $300 it is 17.1 +Seer2, 11.7+ EER2, and 7.8+ HSPF2

Mini split Rebates:

$150 for 15.2 -17SEER2, 11.7+ EER2, 7.8+ HSPF2 $300 for 17.1+ SEET2, 11.7 + EER2, AND 7.8 + HSPF2

Heating System Rebates in Bucks County and Montgomery County

$350 for energy star certified 95%-96.9%, $600 for anything greater than 97% efficiency

Peco Rebates

Philadelphia Gas Rebates

$400 for 95% forced furnace and $1,000 for 94% boiler.

Philadelphia Gas Rebates


The Electrical Association of Philadelphia’s Heating & Air Conditioning Rebate Program

Thank you for your interest in The Electrical Association of Philadelphia’s Heating & Air Conditioning Rebate Program. This program offers limited-time, instant rebates for residential-sized systems, including homes, apartments, as well as mixed-use commercial properties, when contracting with a participating contractor and selecting a qualifying system.

EAP logo

This program is offered twice per year, in the spring and fall seasons to help customers upgrade to more energy efficient systems. There is no paperwork for you to complete and the rebate amount is deducted from your invoice. It’s really that simple!

The 2024 Fall Residential HVAC Rebate Program runs from August 5 – November 15.

Residential HVAC Rebates