Why Is My AC Not Turning On?

July 16, 2024

When your air conditioner (AC) refuses to turn on during a sweltering summer day, it can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Understanding the potential reasons behind this issue can help you troubleshoot the problem and restore your home’s comfort. Here are some common reasons why your AC might not be turning on and what you can do about it. 1. Power Issues One of the most straightforward reasons your AC isn’t turning on could be a power issue. Check if the AC unit is properly plugged in and ensure that the outlet is working. Inspect your circuit breaker panel to see...

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Why Are There Hot and Cool Spots In My Home?

June 20, 2024

Have you noticed that some areas of your home are significantly warmer or cooler than others? These temperature inconsistencies can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but understanding the underlying causes can help you address the problem effectively. At , we offer solutions to ensure your home remains comfortable throughout the year. Common Causes of Hot and Cool Spots Poor Insulation Inadequate insulation can cause temperature discrepancies. Heat can escape in the winter and infiltrate during the summer if your walls, attic, or floors aren’t properly insulated, leading to uneven temperatures in different rooms. Blocked or Closed Vents When vents are blocked...

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The Potential Impact of Brownouts and Power Outages On Your AC System

August 2, 2023

When your power goes out entirely or partially due to a brownout, how does this affect your home? You may experience a partial loss of capacity with your appliances and experience dimmed or flickering lights. All of which will be remedied when the power is back on. But what about your AC system? On a particularly hot day, a partial or complete loss of electricity makes your home uncomfortable for the time being – but can it cause damage? Today we’ll discuss power losses and how they can impact your AC system. Brownouts and Power Outages A brownout is a...

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What You Should Do When Your Air Conditioner Starts Making Noise

May 11, 2023

A noisy air conditioner might be more than a mere annoyance. If your air conditioner is making noise, an HVAC professional can help. While some older models can be louder than others, any new or unexpected noises can be an early symptom of major problems. A professional air conditioner technician can take a look, identify the problem, and make necessary repairs before the problem worsens. I Need AC Repair Service! 1. Try Telling Your HVAC Professional About the Type of Noise Some noises that could mean trouble include: Squealing Banging Buzzing Clicking Clanking The noises might only occur when the...

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Why an AC Might Make Your Home Feel Humid

July 18, 2022

A well-functioning air conditioner should cool and remove moisture from the indoor air. Several factors can cause your AC to make your home humid or fail at its dehumidifying duties. Too much AC humidity provides an environment for mold and biological growth, which can affect your health. If your home feels humid even when the AC is running, here are some possible reasons. You Have Dirty Air Filters An air conditioning unit should remain clean to operate effectively. Air filters prevent debris, dust, and dirt from entering the AC. Thus, failure to clean or change air filters regularly could clog...

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Closing the Upstairs Air Vents Can Cost You Money

May 16, 2022

You’re thinking about closing the upstairs air vents during the summer so that the AC doesn’t need to cool this unused portion of your home. This is a common misconception and this article will discuss the reasons below. Closed Vents Build Up Pressure Your AC is a single-speed unit and has a specific cooling capacity, which the installers calculated was fit for a home of your size. With that single speed, the AC is meant to send air to all rooms and cool them simultaneously. Closed vents upset this balance and can cause warm spots to develop even where you...

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